Ubuntu 21.04 on Dell Latitude 9420
Dell's newest Latitude 9420 comes with a 16:10 display and a integrated Webcam shutter (see below).
Soundcard and Touchscreen:
Download and install Linux Headers, Modules and Images of Kernel 5.13 from https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/
Headphone jack works, speaker do not. Seems to be a general problem with Linux on Tiger Lake.
Update 2021-11-01: I don't know what exactly did the trick, but with latest Ubuntu updates combined with mainline kernel 5.14.2 the speaker works!
Docking Station (Display Port) requires evdi-dkms and libevdi 1.9.1, but the version from repository is not compatible with kernel 5.13, you need these
- https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/impish/amd64/libevdi0/1.9.1-1ubuntu2
- https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/impish/amd64/evdi-dkms/1.9.1-1ubuntu2
Webcam (PCI ID 8086:9a19):
Will not work until IPU4 is supported
Is recognized in Ubuntu 22.04 with linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04 kernel and linux-modules-ipu6-5.19.0-35-generic. However, there seems to be no way to open the SafeShutter, so you will always get a black stream :-(