Vermisse schwarzen Kensington-Rucksack

Published by cybso on
This is a post from my original site, which was hosted by the former blog service of the University of Osnabrück. I have moved it to the new site for archiving. Pages linked in this article may no longer work today, and the blog comments under the article no longer exist. Opinions expressed in this article reflect the point of view of the time of publication and do not necessarily reflect my opinion today.

Ich hab am 19. Dezember meinen Rucksack (einen schwarzen "Kensington Contour Backpack") irgendwo stehen lassen. Vermutlich entweder in der UB Alte Münze oder in der Mensa / Cafeteria am Westerberg, aber auch der zweite Stock des Schloßes wäre möglich.

Hat ihn jemand gefunden? Es winken 15,- EUR Finderlohn!